Saturday, August 7, 2010

CD Swap Meet in the press: Silently swapping songs in the night | Reportage Enviro

 "Throwing out old or unwanted CDs could soon be a thing of the past with swapping events becoming increasingly popular in pubs around the nation"

Check out the article by Nastasia Campanella here:
Silently swapping songs in the night | Reportage Enviro

New Swap Date announced 22 September 2010 in Carlton

Well it’s been a few months since the first CD swap meet happened in Melbourne, and we are happy to announce the next one on the 22 September at the John Curtin Hotel in Carlton. 
Come for a night of music, food and beer and of course the swapping of old unloved CDs and DVDs.
Last time we had over 500 CDs – 100 were swapped and the rest have gone off for recycling!

So do the right thing – don’t throw your old CDs in the bin! Come along to the next CD swap meet or hold you own!